Full Stack Security Research

Sceptive Full Stack Security Research (FSSR): Huge leap in cyber security race.

Full CheckUp For Your Business:

Think that you go to a doctor periodically for checkups. He checks laboratory results for known diseases and unusual outcomes. If he finds something odd, he extends the tests and finds the reason and prescribe for the cure if possible. This process is called Penetration Test.

But you may vulnerable against to an undiscovered sickness or weakness unique to your DNA. No check-up can find it. So you should seek to Full Stack Security Research as an advanced laboratory work concentrated to your full IT infrastructure stack, to resolve undiscovered vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your corporate.

Penetration Tests can get executed by any certified operator.
Penetration Tests are more concentrated on rule checks.
Penetration Tests are for routine controls.


Penetration Tests are prescribes the protection.


Penetration tests saves $1.01 million on average.

Core differences of FSSR

FSSR requires deep expertise and high technical skills.


FSSR is concentrates on attacks and possible outcomes.


FSSR is for security advancement and intelligence race.


FSSR teaches how to protect yourself regarding your weaknesses.


FSSR saves $2.8 million on average as best security intelligence option.

Source: Cost of Cyber Crime Study by Accenture